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Have you been left frustrated at the lack of interest or enagagement achieved by a campaign that required a serious investment?

Have you ever launched a website for your brand, with high expectations of streams of traffic?

Developed a killer tag line for your brand that articlulates your positioning perfectly?

Confused? Struggling to take it all in?

There are just 20 messages above, interrelated by theme and context. An infinitesimal fraction at the bottom end of the estimated 6,000+ advertisements and branded messages your customers are exposed to each day.

Now, armed with that knowledge and this experience, if you're doubting the context surrounding your brand or if any of the scenarios feels familiar let's chat!

In any competitive market true innovation, sharper products and better services come from the challenger brands. That Guy From Marketing® offers support across three critical elements of the mix to help ensure they're fit for purpose and not obstacles to reaching the tipping point.

The links below offer more information or, to reach the tipping point sooner, get in contact today.

Branding and Brand Development
Marketing Strategy, Planning and Activation
Website Design and Development

© That Guy From Marketing® 2022, All Rights Reserved.
